all postcodes in L9 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L9 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L9 4GA 10 0 53.469433 -2.956059
L9 4RA 21 0 53.462949 -2.960989
L9 4RB 33 0 53.463278 -2.961464
L9 4RD 12 0 53.462477 -2.961521
L9 4RE 15 10 53.462481 -2.960797
L9 4RF 9 5 53.462989 -2.960161
L9 4RJ 18 0 53.463311 -2.960696
L9 4RL 34 4 53.464357 -2.959951
L9 4RN 12 8 53.465005 -2.957933
L9 4RQ 3 2 53.463806 -2.95923
L9 4RR 40 1 53.468119 -2.956256
L9 4RS 28 0 53.4639 -2.960017
L9 4RT 25 0 53.463989 -2.960169
L9 4RU 31 0 53.464271 -2.960884
L9 4RW 27 12 53.465784 -2.957227
L9 4RX 4 0 53.46483 -2.958426
L9 4RY 23 1 53.465778 -2.957965
L9 4RZ 34 0 53.467488 -2.958727
L9 4SA 12 0 53.467312 -2.958286
L9 4SB 23 0 53.466228 -2.95781